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We accept Medicare, workers’ compensation, and most private insurance plans. Please call us for more details regarding your insurance and fees. Our staff will verify and explain your benefits before treatment.  We will strive to make the financial aspect of health-care understandable and affordable for you, so as to enable you to complete your rehabilitation without money worries.  In today’s healthcare environment, many of you may have high co-pays or deductibles.  Rest assured, with your first visit, if you are unhappy with the out-of-pocket fees to you, feel free to leave.  We will not charge you. Below is a list of a few of the many plans we provide for:
  • Medicare
  • Blue Cross/Blue Shield and affiliates
  • Highmark and affiliates
  • Aetna and affiliates
  • Cigna
  • Amerihealth

Health Insurance Terms

Below is a list of terms that pertain to insurance coverage and payment for health services.
  • Co-insurance: The amount to be paid by the patient, usually expressed as a percentage of approved charges.
  • Co-payment: The amount to be paid by the patient for each visit.
  • Health Savings Accounts: HSAs refers to health plans in which employees have personal health accounts such as a health savings account, medical savings accounts or flexible spending arrangement from which they pay medical expenses directly.
  • Deductible: The portion of medical costs to be paid by the patient before insurance benefits begin.
  • Exclusions: Services that are not covered by a plan.
  • Flexible Spending Arrangements (FSAs): An account that allows employees to use pre-tax dollars to pay for qualified medical expenses during the year. FSAs are usually funded through voluntary salary reduction agreements with an employer.
  • Health Maintenance Organization (HMO): A form of managed care in which you receive your care from participating providers.
  • Managed Care: A method of providing health care, in which the insurer and/or employer (policyholder) maintain some level of control over costs and utilization by various means. Typically refers to HMOs and PPOs.
  • Open Enrollment: A set time of year when you can enroll in health insurance or change from one plan to another without benefit of a qualifying evening.
  • Preferred Provider Organization (PPO): A form of managed care in which the member has more flexibility in choosing physicians and other providers. The member can see both participating and non-participating providers. There is a greater out-of-pocket expense if member sees non-participating providers.